Solar Cell (PV System) Preference Factor Analysis among Jakarta Home-owners

  • Fariz Hutama Putra Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences
  • Ananda Ambarsari Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences
Keywords: solar cell, PV system, preference factors, laddering techniques


Indonesia is emerging as an attractive market for solar energy businesses due to the growing demand and untapped potentials in renewable energy. Before 2017, there were no Indonesian solar energy company that specifically focused for residential installation. In this sense, SolarKita was established to capitalize on this opportunity in Indonesia. This study was aimed to investigate the attributes that the potential customers prefer in purchasing solar PV system. Other than that, relationship and relevancy on how the preferable attributes to the potential customer’s value was also identified in this study. Laddering interview and means-end chain theory were used as methodologies for this study to generate insights into reasoning behind potential customer’s choices. There were 20 interviews conducted for this study and successfully generated 33 A-C-V ladders, which were further processed and visualized into a hierarchical value map (HVM). From the HVM, the results were showing four apparent attributes from the solar PV system, which are: (1) converting sunlight into electricity, (2) highly durable, (3) supported by the government policy, and (4) easy monitoring. Moreover, the attributes were then linked to consequences the potential customer expects that were initially driven from personal value.

Author Biographies

Fariz Hutama Putra, Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences

School of Business

Ananda Ambarsari, Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences

School of Business
