Botanical Aspects, Phytochemicals and Health Benefits of Andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium)

  • Alfredo Oktavianto Natasutedja Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences
  • Erika Lumbantobing Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences
  • Emita Josephine Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences
  • Lioni Carol Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences
  • Decky Indrawan Junaedi Cibodas Botanical Garden - Research Centre for Plant Conservation and Botanical Garden - LIPI
  • Suluh Normasiwi Cibodas Botanical Garden - Research Centre for Plant Conservation and Botanical Garden - LIPI
  • Agus Budiawan Naro Putra Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences
Keywords: andaliman, botanical aspects, bioactive compounds, health benefits, Zanthoxylum acanthopodium


Andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium) is a specialty spice widely found in the Provinces of North Sumatra and Aceh, Indonesia. The fruit is usually used by Batak people in North Sumatra as a food ingredient to cook Batak’s cuisine such as arsik, tombur, and naniura. It is also used as one of the ingredients to make Indonesian spicy sauce called sambal. Andaliman fruit is reported to eliminate the undesirable smell in fish and raw meat. Moreover, it could also reduce total volatile base nitrogen content in fish which helps to prevent spoilage. Furthermore, andaliman has been reported to contain bioactive compounds which act as antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-acne, and anti-halitosis effects. This review focuses on the botanical aspects of and health potential exhibited by andaliman.


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How to Cite
Natasutedja, A. O., Lumbantobing, E., Josephine, E., Carol, L., Junaedi, D. I., Normasiwi, S., & Putra, A. B. N. (2020). Botanical Aspects, Phytochemicals and Health Benefits of Andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium). Indonesian Journal of Life Sciences, 2(1), 8-15.